Base word types are implemented. The format for defining a word is as follows:
Where `word_type` is one of the following:
- adjective
- noun
- noun_phrase
- pronoun
- verb
Followed by a colon and a comma separated list of options for that word.
Options are as follows (adjectives have no options):
- compound
- plural
Noun Phrase:
- indefinite
- noadj
- plural
- compound
- plural
- conjugation type: i (default), you, it, we, or they
- conjugation time: past, present (default), or future
- invert (not implemented yet)
Options for a word type are optional and may be omitted.
Added pronouns to the data. These act similar to the other types of
words regarding getting random ones from the database.
More sentence types have been added, however they are all in their own
functions for now. Eventually, these functions will be replaced by
format strings in the database and will not be hard coded.